Thursday 4 November 2010

Begin at the Beginning

Welcome!  As this is my first post I thought a little bit of background on me would be a good place to begin.  I am a 34 year old mother, wife, small business woman, sewer, knitter, gardener, massage therapist, quilt maker, blogger (just) and just about any other hat I can throw on to make life a bit different every day.

I try to be environmentally conscious and live as simply as possible, I used to live life on the treadmill in a city job at a desk which bored me silly and encouraged me to spend too much on things I seriously did not need!  I learned my lesson and quit my job to look for other ways to earn money and be at home with my husband and any future children we would have.  The path I have been on the past 5  years has not been entirely what I expected when I started but  by being open to different opportunities I have been able to live the life I want.  I have been a massage therapist, Dog walker & Pet Sitter, PA and various other interesting jobs.  I have now settled into my favourite areas of Teaching, sewing and soap making.

Each year I grow more of my own food, buy less "stuff" that I don't need and make more of my own clothes and gifts.  My family stopped buying gifts a few years ago and now we make all our gifts and don't put as much emphasis on gift giving at Birthdays and Christmas and concentrate on more family time and good food.  I try my best to use less energy and less water and I generally do most of my sewing on Vintage people powered machines which are a habit/passion of mine.

Early next year we are planning a big move to Devon to hopefully become even more sustainable and live more simply.  I have been looking for a house the past few months and it is lovely to think we will have so much more space and I can carry on my business and allow it the room to grow that it has so desperately needed this year.  I am fantasising about a soap room and a sewing workshop and my husband is planning on re-training as a traditional upholsterer.  I was born in Devon and want my daughter to have the upbringing in the country side that I had.

Well this was a bit about me, hope to hear from anyone read this.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! you are doing the same as me .. (or vice versa)... i just quit my day job for GOOD (having had several attempts at office life over the last 20 yrs) .. but i've been doing the simple thing for years .. allotmenting, de consumerising, making soap, etc., and I have 5 vintage machines which i love! Lucky you moving to Devon.
