Tuesday 30 November 2010


Right now I am sitting warm and cosy in my lovely stone cottage in North Devon fantasising about rare breed sheep, poly tunnels and small holdings.  We are currently on a house hunting holiday visiting family and enjoying the sparkly cold devon winter.  Each morning I throw open my curtains and look out over the fields and the white rooftops of the other farm buildings.  I walk the dog on frosty crunchy grass and listen to the noises of the country so different from London.  In London a normal sound to hear is sirens, cars racing by, people shouting in the street and general hustle and bustle.  Here there are cows talking to each other across fields (a conversation you really want to join in on) a trickle of a stream, birds chattering and the far off rumble of traffic or trains.   My daughter watches the birds on the bush outside the window while eating her locally made bread and locally made butter and chattering constantly about everything she sees outside the window on "her farm".   Due to the nature of my husbands work we never holiday in the Summer months and always go away either in late November or early February to Devon & Aviemore on alternate years.  Both holidays usually involve snow and our annual warm weather clothing shopping which is a real treat for us, new lovely warm socks and replacement of worn boots and old fleeces. 

This Year is a particular treat as we are relocating to the area early next year and have spent the last few days looking at possible houses to rent.  One particular property is very exciting and unexpected as it is a neighbour of my family (by neighbour we are talking 1/2 mile down the road) and not on the market yet.  It is a beautiful newly built log cabin home with 3 bedrooms and a large open plan living space.  The outside space does not dissappoint and has a double garage, kennels, shed for a washing machine, a 7 acre paddock and a big barn.  It has given me a lot to think about and I am trying my best not to get too excited in case it does not work out.  The thought of being able to grow all our own food and sell some surplus is something I thought would be years off but could be a reality next year.  Oh and did I mention the place has its own acre wood?  I forsee foraging and coppicing and all sorts of lovely woodland pursuits.  I am not sure my family will quite know what to think of us should we set up shop so near, they have a large plot mainly used for horses and a few ducks, chickens etc and don't grow food or make their own remedies, clothes, cleaning products etc.  My cousin is fascinated by the idea that I make soap and is keen to help out if we are near.

This is the house and I am already thinking about a porch swing or a couple of rocking chairs not to mention using my quilts to decorate the interior of the house which is all wood panelling. 

We have a few other places to look at and this could come to nothing but it has given me a few lovely days of fantasising if nothing else.


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